You stole from me. I trusted you with a human need, you offered to help me get it, and then you stole from me. I don’t know what I was looking for in you but it wasn’t this. The thoughtlessness and level of disrespect that I feel are deep enough to reach my soul.
You taught me some valuable lessons while I was with you; Lessons I will never forget. I didn’t exactly learn these during happy moments with you, but one of those lessons that I keep at the forefront of my mind is the importance of having full control over your reactions.
Dear Past Relationships, You have left my life, and I miss you sometimes. However, sometimes I get angry when I think of you. You represent all the people in my …
I’m sorry I am not such a good friend. I am distant, not always present when my presence counts, and I also don’t check on you. I watch you from afar, and I do not make myself a part of your life when I have the chance to. To all the friends in my life, I am truly sorry.